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Optivision, Inc.

OPTIPAC software is a complete image compression solution that minimizesimage archival space and transmission time. OPTIPAC is flexible softwarefor lossless and controlled quality image compression for multipleresolution binary, grayscale and color bit mapped images. Its designguarantees upward compatibility with evolving compression standards(JPEG, CCITT Group III/IV) and new algorithms.OPTIPAC software contains two levels. The first level, ImagMS/UX has aset of UNIX commands for directly processing of images to or from diskfiles, displays, and supported image I/O devices. The second level,ImagTK/UX, is a programmer's toolkit of C callable routines forintegrating image compression directly into a new or existingapplications software. The number or type of image sources ordestinations that can be accommodated is unlimited.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Optivision, Inc.
4009 Miranda Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: (415) 855-0200
        (800) 562-8934
Fax: (415) 855-0222